I had trouble to run my
LuaScene after I just added another table in Lua library registration. The
code below is part of LuaScene program. Is there some explanation why
it fails?
Please pardon my Pascal.
Thanks in advance.
// Lua library
function luaopen_scene(L :
PLua_State) : Integer;
var i : Integer; begin // Store Scene functions in 'scene' table luaL_openlib(L, 'scene', @_sceneLib, 0); // Store Scene
constants in 'scene' table
lua_pushstring(L, 'scene'); lua_gettable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); i := 0; repeat lua_pushstring(L, _constants[i].name); lua_pushstring(L, _constants[i].value); lua_rawset(L, -3); Inc(i); until _constants[i].name = nil; // Store key
constants in 'keybaord' table
i := 0; repeat lua_pushstring(L, _keys[i].name); lua_pushnumber(L, _keys[i].value); lua_rawset(L, -3); Inc(i); until _keys[i].name = nil; lua_setglobal(L, 'keyboard'); // Store mouse
button constants in 'mouse' table
i := 0; repeat lua_pushstring(L, _buttons[i].name); lua_pushnumber(L, _buttons[i].value); lua_rawset(L, -3); Inc(i); until _buttons[i].name = nil; lua_setglobal(L, 'mouse'); lua_settop(L,
result := 0; end; |