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Dan Laufer wrote:
Does anyone out there have 5.1 up and running on the PS2, yet?

Were there any significant issues?

Thanks in advance,

Today I attempted to upgrade to Lua v5.1.1 (from Lua 5.0) on the PS2, and I'm getting a crash when opening the base library.

if ((L = lua_newstate(MyRealloc, NULL)) != NULL)
lua_cpcall(L, lua_openbase, NULL); // Crashes in here ...base_open(L) ---> lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX)


Has anyone had any problems using Lua v5.1.1 on the PS2 ?
Anything I should know about?

I probably just did something wrong when I created the Codewarrior project for this...but any info would be appreciated.
