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On Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 09:03:05PM -0500, Rici Lake wrote:
> Additionally, in accordance with the new module system, the luaopen_* 
> function may wish to know the name it was loaded as, which should be 
> provided as the first argument to the lua_call.

This isn't mentioned in 5 - Standard Libraries.  Also, these functions
don't actually use it; that is, if I luaopen_table() with a parameter of
"tab", the table library is still loaded into "table", so passing "table"
along here is a bit confusing.

Anyhow, a "lua_checkfunctionenv(L)" function to throw an error if L is
not in a Lua C call could prevent "didn't call through Lua" from being a
lurking bug.

Glenn Maynard