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Kepler is a web development platform based on Lua 5.0 components such as
CGILua, LuaSQL, LuaExpat and others.

Version 1.0 include the following modules (both in source and Windows
    * LuaBinaries 5.0.3
    * Compat-5.1 release 5
    * LuaSocket 2.0.1
    * LuaCOM 1.3 (Windows only)
    * LuaFileSystem 1.2
    * Rings 1.0
    * Copas 1.1
    * Xavante 1.2
    * CGILua 5.0.1
    * MD5 1.0.1
    * LuaExpat 1.0.2
    * LuaSQL 2.0.2
    * LuaLogging 1.1.2
    * LuaZip 1.2.2
    * CGI, ISAPI, MOD2 and XavanteTray launchers

Kepler is part of the Kepler Project and can be found at

Kepler is free software, using the same license as Lua 5.0, and follows the
package proposal for Lua 5.1 (using Compat-5.1).

For those interested, now starts the conversion of the Kepler modules to Lua
5.1, more details about this will be posted on the Kepler list.

We'd like to thank all the testers involved in this release, but any
comments and feedback are still welcome. :o)

André Carregal