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On Mon, 4 Dec 2006 12:54:42 -0300
"Andre Carregal" <> wrote:

> Kepler is a web development platform based on Lua 5.0 components such as
> CGILua, LuaSQL, LuaExpat and others.

You know, I've been wanting to use Kepler for a long time, but it simply doesn't pass the "5-minute/3-command" test.  I struggled through getting it working once before but can't even remember how I did that, let alone figure out how it all works now.

What you guys seriously need is something that's more than a list of the components Kepler has.  That's fine, now i can read what each thing does, but the point of Kepler is that you've pulled these together to create something better.

I really seriously think you need to have:

* Getting Started -- From nothing to "hello world".
* Your First Application -- Building something non-trivial with Kepler.
* Deployment Guide -- One for win32 and Unix.

If there was just these three documents I could then get on my way to exploring all the remaining components.  The only remaining thing is generating some kind of automated source documentation similar to Doxygen.

And hell, if I could figure Kepler out again I'd write the above documents.  But I'm so lost after "./configure; make" that I can't go anywhere.

Anyway, advice from your friendly Ruby insider.

Zed A. Shaw, MUDCRAP-CE Master Black Belt Sifu -- The Mongrel Book -- Come get help.