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- Subject: partially define a table in C++, and partially in script
- From: Shea Martin <shea08@...>
- Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2007 16:44:03 -0400
//I want to do something like this:
Person = {}
Person.mt = {}
function Person:new( pname )
Person.mt.__index = Person
return setmetatable( { name = pname }, Person.mt )
function Person:talk( mesg )
print( self.name .. " says '" .. mesg .. "'." )
function Person:do_stuff()
self:talk( "hello" )
fred = Person:new( "Fred" )
//I have a person 'class' I would like to partially define in my C++
//I would like to the rest of it to be defined in a lua script.
//this function is registered as GetNewPerson( name )
static int l_newPerson( lua_State* vm )
luaL_checktype( vm, -1, LUA_TSTRING );
std::string name = lua_tostring( vm, -1 );
lua_pop( vm, 1 );
lua_newtable( vm );
lua_pushstring( vm, "Person:name" );
lua_string( vm, name.c_str() );
lua_settable( vm, -3 );
lua_pushstring( vm, "Person:talk" );
lua_pushclosure( vm, l_person_talk, 0 );
lua_settable( vm, -3 );
luaL_newmetatable( vm, "Person.mt" );
lua_pushstring( vm, "__index" );
lua_pushstring( vm, "Person" );
lua_settable( vm, -3 );
return 1;
//now I would like the script to define Person:do_stuff.
//Thus my script would be shortened to:
function Person:do_stuff()
self:talk( "hello" )
fred = GetNewPerson( "Fred" )
I hope this makes sense...