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Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but what's the upside of that? :)

I mean, is the parrot vm significantly faster or easier to deploy than luas, or is it supposed to be a bridge between languages or some such? From what I can tell, lua will run wherever parrot does, so if it's not a major performance increase etc, etc, what's the upside?

François Perrad wrote:

Parrot is a VM (virtual machine) designed specifically for running dynamic languages in general, and Perl 6 in particular (see
Parrot is still in development, the latest monthly version is 0.6.0.

A complete prototype of Lua 5.1 (aligned on 5.1.3) is available :
- an Lua interpreter written in PIR (Parrot Intermediate Representation) that generates PIR
 - a large subset of the Lua Standard Librairies (written in PIR)
 - a test suite (more than 980 tests)

For the first time, with Parrot 0.6.0, all garbage collection problems seem to be fixed.

Documentation starts in and

Any comments, suggestions, bug report, test, improvement are welcome on Parrot mailing list (

François Perrad.