On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 6:58 PM, Eugen-Andrei Gavriloaie wrote:
Here is what I know so far:
3. Adding custom made functionality represented by c++ functions
lua_pushcfunction(pLuaState, w_cfunc_call);
lua_setglobal(pLuaState, "cfunc");
6. Now, the cloudy part for me is what is happening when I do a
You understand what lua_pushcfuntion does, right? luaL_loadstring()
does the same thing, except with the contents of a lua function.
When luaL_loadstring() is done, you can lua_pcall() the function and
it will run and then be garbage collected[1].
Or you can
lua_setglobal() to give it a name so it won't be garbage collected. Or
you can do anything else that you can normally do with a function
sitting on the lua stack.
What would happen if we do a second luaL_loadfile(...) on the
same lua_State? replacing the previous one or appending? Same
with the luaL_loadstring(...)
luaL_loadfile() does the same thing as luaL_loadstring(), except with
a file instead of a string literal.
Peter Harris
[1] the function itself will be garbage collected, not any variables
that the function may set when you lua_pcall() it. In your
luaL_loadfile() case, that means the tables will still be there when
the file (function) is garbage collected. In other cases, it might
include creating other functions, and other things.