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Thanks for thanks.

Yes, but the whole installable headers issue is open to the Lua authors. It could be better; imho installed headers should NOT have any implementation details within them. Just the APIs and configuration that was used (that would include the LNUM_xxx define, only).


Alex Chen kirjoitti 3.4.2008 kello 5:07:
Hi Asko,
I tried your patch, it's great! The only glitch is that you'd better add lnum_config.h to TO_INC variable in lua-5.1.3-patched/ Makefile, so that it will be installed properly. Thank you for the great patch!

BTW, do you know is there any script support uint64 natively? I digged into javascript and ruby before saw your note, they all seems not support uint64 natively.

On 3/29/08, Asko Kauppi <> wrote:
One way is to use the LNUM patch and compile with LNUM_INT64 defined.