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LUA Newbie question: How do call a Lua function from C or C++, passing parms, and obtain the return value (or values)? The documentation contains no COMPLETE examples of this, as far as I can tell. I've found examples, none of which work. Can one simply load a function (causing it to be pushed onto the stack), then push any parms, and invoke lua_call()? Please consider the following code: -------------------------------------------------- static const char cAdd[] = "function add ( x, y )\r\n" " return x + y\r\n" "end\r\n" ; enum LOADSTATUS { NEVER_ATTEMPTED, LOADED, LOAD_FAILED }; static LOADSTATUS eLoadStatus = NEVER_ATTEMPTED; static void vTestAdd3() { lua_State* L = lua_open(); luaL_openlibs( L ); int iStatus = 0; int iSum = 0; if ( NEVER_ATTEMPTED == eLoadStatus ) // STATEMENT C { iStatus = luaL_loadstring(L, cAdd); if ( 0 == iStatus ) { lua_setfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "my_add"); // STATEMENT A eLoadStatus = LOADED; } else eLoadStatus = LOAD_FAILED; } if ( LOADED == eLoadStatus ) { lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "my_add"); // STATEMENT B lua_pushinteger(L, 77 ); lua_pushinteger(L, 22 ); int iNumElementsPreCall = lua_gettop(L); iStatus = lua_pcall(L, 2, 1, 0); if ( 0 == iStatus ) { int iNumElementsPostCall = lua_gettop(L); iSum = lua_tointeger(L, -1); // STATEMENT D } } vReport_errors(L, iStatus); lua_close(L); } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The above code differs a little from what I'd write for actual use. It is for illustration.] Following statement D, iSum IS ALWAYS ZERO (0). If I omit statements A and B iSum is still zero. iNumElementsPreCall is 3, as expected, and iNumElementsPostCall is 1, as expected. Does the above code reflect a correct understanding of Lua? What am I doing wrong? Say, could my math be off? Is 77+22 = 0? I tried checking, but ran out of fingers. Or does Lua always perform modulo 99 arithmetic? Any help appreciated. |