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On 09/08/2010 07:48, Stuart P. Bentley wrote:
I've been thinking about Processing
( lately
and how it could be reimplemented with Lua

Interesting idea!

but I've hit a stumbling
block with the example given on the Wikipedia page: is there any library
in Lua that allows for SVG manipulation like that?

Note that Processing uses a quite primitive XML library (Sax style, from NanoXML IIRC), eg. understanding only UTF-8 data (ignoring encoding instructions). Its native SVG library is also very primitive (by design: to keep it small), mostly understanding shapes, some styles, gradients, etc. Its main purpose is to import graphics from Illustrator (and, with flaws, Inkscape), not to support "advanced" concepts like text support, clipping, animation or such.

So, rewriting such support from scratch isn't impossible, not even really hard... Of course, nothing prevents you from giving a better support! Note that some libraries for Processing like Geomerative offers a better SVG support, for example (perhaps based on Batik?).

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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