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> Looks like Ruby to me.

I would love to have do() end as synthetic sugar for anonymous
function() end, since do() fits better as function param

Like this:

string.gsub("4+5 = $return 4+5$", "%$(.-)%$", do (s)
      return loadstring(s)()

And, insted of xpcall, it would be nice to have some sort of real
exception catching

rescue (error)
   print error

Also, I think that Lua shoud have at least a blueprint of how to work
with directories.
It is confusing and annoying to use 3p C libs for such basic stuff.

   os.mkdir() os.rmdir() and os.exists()  will do.

Micro embedded system can easily do nothing, or implement surogate
dirs with filenames.

Finally, why there is no os.setenv()?