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On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 3:43 PM, David Kolf <> wrote:
> Today I learned how to use the LPeg module and in my local test version
> of dkjson I already added optional support for it. The speed up for
> decoding is significant, so I will probably release a version 2.0 soon.

i haven't used it in a while; but while learning to use the 're' layer
on top of LPeg I got this JSON parser:

local re = require ("re")

local builtin = {
	['true'] = true,
	['false'] = false,
	['null'] = nil,

local function pair2table (t, k, v, ...)
	if not k or not v then return t end
	t[k] = v
	return pair2table (t, ...)

local function n2utf8 (n)
	local char,floor = string.char, math.floor
	if n < 0x80 then
		return char (n)
	elseif n < 0x800 then
		return char (0xC0+floor (n/0x40),
	elseif n <= 0x10000 then
		return char (0xE0+floor (n/0x1000),
					0x80+floor ((n%0x1000)/0x40),
	elseif n <= 0x110000 then
		return char (0xF0+floor (n/0x40000),
					0x80+floor ((n%0x40000)/0x1000),
					0x80+floor ((n%0x1000)/0x40),

json = re.compile ([[
	value	<- (%s* ( <object>
					/ <array>
					/ <builtin>
					/ <string>
					/ <number> ) %s* )
	object	<- ('{' (<pair> (',' <pair>)*)? %s* '}')	-> gotObj
	pair	<- (<string> ':' <value>)				--	-> gotPair
	array	<- ('[' (<value> (',' <value>)*)?  %s*']')	-> {}
	builtin	<- ('true' / 'false' / 'null')				-> gotBuiltin
	string	<- (%s* '"' {~ ( '\"'
						/ '\\'
						/ '\/'
						/ '\b'
						/ '\f'
						/ '\n'
						/ '\r'
						/ '\t'
						/ <unicode>
						/ [^\"] )* ~} '"' %s*)			-> gotString
	unicode	<- '\u'->'' [0-9a-zA-Z]^4 -> hex2utf8
	number	<- ( '-'? %d+ ('.' %d+)? ([eE][-+]? %d+)? )	-> gotNumber
	gotObj = function (...) return pair2table ({}, ...) end,
	gotBuiltin = function (tk) return builtin[tk] end,
	gotString = function (s) return tostring(s) end,
	gotNumber = function (n) return tonumber(n) end,
	hex2utf8 = function (h) return n2utf8(tonumber(h, 16)) end,

as you can see, both LPEG's power and JSON's simplicity bring the task
well within the realm of "left as an exercise to the reader"
