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On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Alejandro Mery <> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 20:03, Jonathan Castello <> wrote:
>> If they were getting digests, I'd expect the question to be "How do I
>> re-enable digest subscription?", rather than "Please remove me from
>> this list."
>> I just use a Gmail filter, tagging mailing-list e-mails and archiving
>> them immediately. It keeps my lists separate from my normal e-mail,
>> which is fantastic.
> or they subscribed long ago, made a filter to move the mails to a
> folder, then forgot the were subscribed until the filter "stopped
> working" and realized they were still subscribed.

I had to update my filter for the move, too, but unless it actually
hides away the e-mails and you don't have a list of tags or folders,
it would seem pretty hard to ignore the steadily climbing "unread"
count of the Lua-L tag. >_>
