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On Aug 30, 2010, at 4:14 AM, Stefan Sandberg wrote:

> Or, use luajit until you reach a situation where it hinders your performance expectations, -then- turn to C..
> ...and following the same logic, do the same with C, then assembly..
> You'll probably find yourself realizing that C is a very poor choice of language for the majority
> of real cases..  Ie, it falls into the "premature optimization" bucket quite often, at least for me.
> Spend a little energy measuring first, then spend energy specifically where you need to,
> or you might end up in another situation C seems to cause quite often, like a huge hole in a foot. :)

This is great advice modulo the fact that Lua profiling tools are often less sophisticated than native profiling tools and hence it can be harder to find the hot spots when they do arise. The general answer, however, is that you can probably push Lua further than you think and LuaJIT further still.
