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On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 16:56, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
<> wrote:
> We are now planning the program for the Lua Workshop 2011. If you'd
> like to speak at the Workshop, please state it here, giving a tentative
> title and a short abstract.

Declarative Internal DSLs in Lua: a game-changing experience.

This talk will cover an approach to implementation of internal
declarative DSLs in Lua, developed by the author along with the team.

The approach employs a format-agnostic loader for a declarative DSLs
and several DSL data-handling idioms, all described in the talk.

Described approach is used widely in author’s and team’s work, and
proven to be game-changing to our Lua application development process.
It significantly eased and streamlined our work with DSLs, leading to
the boom of effective DSL-driven solutions (also briefly showcased in
the talk).
