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Josh Haberman wrote:
> I noticed that your varint encoding uses continuation bits
> (protocol buffers do this also).  You can achieve the same
> bit density by putting all the continuation bits in the first
> byte instead.  For example, instead of:
>   1aaa aaaa 1bbb bbbb 0ccc cccc
> do:
>   110a aaaa aabb bbbb bccc cccc
> The latter encoding has the following advantages:
> 1. you don't have to branch on every byte.
> 2. you don't have to transform the value with shifts,
>    you're just adding or masking away high bits.

For the bytecode I'm already delta-encoding most values and use a
couple of other tricks to reduce their range. So the majority of
values for the ULEB128 encoding fit into 0-127 and only need a
single byte. Then it _is_ faster to do this:

  v = *p++;
  if (LJ_UNLIKELY(v >= 0x80)) { ... decode the remaining bytes ... }
  return v

Since the byte framing and the skewed distribution of values is
still intact, the saved bytecode is still amenable to compression
with standard data compression algorithms.

[I've even considered to integrate a minimal decompressor into the
bytecode reader. However it would only save around 35%. The more
complex algorithms can save up to 60%, but these are way too big
for integration.]

BTW: Source code vs. bytecode load/save benchmark script attached.

[us = microseconds, lower is better.]

$ lua-5.1.4-x64 loadbench.lua scimark.lua
  556 us  11855 bytes  parse source code
  108 us  20004 bytes  save bytecode
   98 us               load bytecode

$ luajit-2.0.0-beta8-x64 loadbench.lua scimark.lua
  338 us  11855 bytes  parse source code
   25 us   8731 bytes  save bytecode
   14 us   5270 bytes  save bytecode, no debug info
   11 us               load bytecode
    8 us               load bytecode, no debug info

-- Source code parser vs. bytecode load/save benchmark.
-- Written by Mike Pall. Public domain.

local function bench(msg, f)
  local n = 100
  local s = f()
    local start = os.clock()
    for i=1,n do f() end
    local diff = os.clock() - start
    if diff > 0.5 then
      if s then
	io.write(string.format("%5.0f us  %5d bytes %s\n", diff*1000000/n, s, msg))
	io.write(string.format("%5.0f us              %s\n", diff*1000000/n, msg))
    n = n+n
  until false

if not arg[1] then io.write("usage: ", arg[0], " file.lua"); os.exit(1) end

local str = assert([1])):read("*a")
local func = assert(loadstring(str, ""))
if jit then end

bench("parse source code", function() loadstring(str, ""); return #str end)
bench("save bytecode", function() return #string.dump(func) end)
if jit and jit.version_num >= 20000 then
  bench("save bytecode, no debug info",
    function() return #string.dump(func, true) end)
local dump1 = string.dump(func)
bench("load bytecode", function() loadstring(dump1, "") end)
if jit and jit.version_num >= 20000 then
  local dump2 = string.dump(func, true)
  bench("load bytecode, no debug info", function() loadstring(dump2, "") end)