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On 29/06/2011 18.15, Dirk Feytons wrote:

The reference manual clearly describes what can and cannot be done to
a table during traversal: modifying and clearing an existing field is
OK, assigning to a non-existing field is bad.
But what happens if I clear an existing field and then assign to it
again during one iteration? In pseudocode:

for k,v in pairs(t) do
   t[k] = nil
   if (<some condition>) then
     t[k] =<some other value>

Is this allowed? We've seen some intermittent errors in our code that
I suspect are coming from a pattern like described above.

According to the letter of the manual, it is not allowed.
When you clear a field that field becomes non-existent. So if you assign to it afterward, you violate the rule.

I cannot say, though, if the current implementation is tolerant about that and if the failures you describe actually depends on that.

Try to rewrite the code in order to clear a field only if it must not be reassigned.

for k,v in pairs(t) do
   if (<some condition>) then
     t[k] =<some other value>
     t[k] = nil

-- Lorenzo