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On Thu, 2011-09-15 at 15:07 +1200, Geoff Leyland wrote:
> On 15/09/2011, at 2:52 PM, Diab Jerius wrote:
> > This code is so simple I must be doing something obviously wrong. Would
> > someone please point out my error?

> I'm not sure I can point out the right error, but

>  - I don't think you need to link against liblua for either platform
> (and a possible problem is your module getting linked to two separate
> copies of Lua)
>  - for OS X, you'll need to link with -undefined dynamic_lookup

BINGO!  Removing the link against the lua library and adding the
-undefined dynamic lookup did the trick.  I'm using libtool to
perform the linking and it originally had that flag in there; I
inadvertently removed it when trying to isolate the problem.

The working link command is

        gcc -Wl,-undefined -Wl,dynamic_lookup  -bundle  -o ifc.o 

>  - I don't think you need -ldl any more on OS X (What version is it?)

It's 10.6.  The -ldl came from libtool when I instructed it to link
against liblua.  After I stopped doing that the -ldl disappeared.

>  - I think you can use -fPIC on OS X

I have it in there (in any case, the gcc documentation indicates it's
the default on Darwin & Mac OS X).  

Thanks very much for your help!
