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On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Jose Torre-Bueno <> wrote:
> The make install is not moving files, it leaves them in the src directory.  I agree there seems to be some configuration issue but I dont know how to solve it.  I have Lua 5.2 but when I compile it make also does not move the files.  I have placed files from  Lua binaries in /usr/local/bin and the liblua.a file in /usr/local/lib.

I've never used luabinaries, but a couple observations:

- the last luasocket release doesn't support lua5.2, so you aren't
using a standard release, what version of luasocket are you using?
where did you get it?

- I just checked, and the luasocket v2.0.2 (last official release)
"make install" does in fact copy the files. I suspect you are doing
"make", but not "make install". If this is not the case, provide the
make output.

> When you say that is not finding the C API do you mean it cant find liblua.a?  Or could this have somthing to do with the fact I used Lua binaries?

liblua.a is a static library, it will never be found by a dynamic
linker. liblua.a should be statically linked into /usr/bin/lua, and
it's symbols available to any .so loaded by lua. But it isn't, which
might have something to do with luabinaries.

> BTW I have 5.2 but I noticed that the package path has 5.0 in it so I installed luasockets in directories with 5.0

Something is deeply hosed with your system, lua5.2 should look like:

% lua5.2
Lua 5.2.0  Copyright (C) 1994-2011, PUC-Rio
> print(package.path)
> print(package.cpath)