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Most script guys learnt lots of scripting lang, so i am not suprising
this results

for me, i use Python prime at work, but sometimes lua for embeding things,
like in redis2.6, or nginx with lua supporting module

but when learning the language, i think the book "Programming in Lua"
helps me so much to know the magic or tricks underground, while other
programming lang's tutorial or book dont. they just told the rule, while
the lua book told the meta rule , and shows how to use these meta rule
to generate your rules.

(Maybe its just that lua has so less concept to tech, so the author
needs to get some padding things, :] , joking)

BTW, if the author could add some vm internal things in the book, will
helps more

On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 03:39:01AM +0100, joao lobato wrote:
> Shame about the "LUA" business, though. I expected more from /.

    Yunfan Jiang
    {'nick':['jyf', 'geek42'], 'im': {'gtalk': '', 'irc': ''}, 'blog': '', 'interesting': {'teck': ['linux', 'python', 'lua', 'forth', 'c', 'nosql', 'redis', 'nginx'], 'history': ['chinese history',], 'sf': [42,], 'music': ['NewAge style', 'chinese old theme', 'Any strange music']}}