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On 8 Aug, 2012, at 2:04 , Ryan Pusztai wrote:

On Aug 7, 2012 5:11 PM, "Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo" <> wrote:
> > We are proud to announce the next release of Lua for Windows (LfW).
> Is there going to be a LfW with Lua 5.2?

Yes once LuaDist supports it (and the batteries package). Is there a good list of modules that have been updated to Lua 5.2? I am not sure how many of the binary modules have been updated yet.

I'll look into compiling one. My guess is about 20% of the modules do support Lua 5.2 already.

I released this because it has been sitting for a while and I think it will be the last release till the package is built off the LuaDist platform.

Almost there, I am currently working on the final installer and packaging. I plan to release binaries next week.
