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On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Benjamin Cabé <> wrote:
> The team will be happy to answer your questions and listen to feature
> requests if you stop by our forum [4]!

Congratulations, guys, works like a charm in my existing Eclipse.  The
tracking of local variables is definitely worth the price of

On that subject, I note that the Outline (at least here in
Johannesburg) only shows local functions and variables.  That's nice &
strict, but overly restrictive. Plus, if one defines a local table and
adds functions to it in the no-nonsense module style, then these will
also not appear (even though they not globals)

Also, what does a function need to do to have documentation? It's
available for the built-ins, but I note that adding LuaDoc comments to
functions does not add any immediate magic.

steve d.