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OK, I'll try to address the various answers in a later post. I do find them a bit more positive than what I got in earlier years :o)

However, there is one thing that bewilders me. I posted the proposal for something that is both NotThatMuchWork and ReallyGood, and it will be a huge service for Lua (as it exploits Lua's unique properties to do something unprecedented). And this is the central list for Lua.

But still - so far, exactly no developers came forward.


Out of 2,000 people, NOBODY is open to join a new project? Like, really, nobody?

What is it? Is the claim too outrageous? The concept really is solid, I can tell you that.

Or is it that everybody works for money and has no time?

Or is this list cursed in some way?

Really, I want to find out. I am going crazy if nobody joins my projects forever. It can't be like this, it makes no sense. They're too good for that :)

What's going on?