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On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 6:02 PM, Philipp Janda <> wrote:
> So, I assume TDM includes those programs?!

No, TDM is just an alternative packaging of GCC for Windows.  I found
it the best option when the official MinGW was trailing behind and had
a confusing install process;  no problems detected, single installer!

I do have the usual Unix tools available on Windows, separately
installed, never felt the need for cygwin (If I need Unix I know where
to find it).

As for installation, sounds like a job for a bat file.  Complicating
the existing makefile binds it to GNU make extensions (OS X and Free
BSD in particular will choke, unless person installs gmake), plus
requires the necessary Unix commands.

As for MSVC build files, I'm sure the community could generate these
and put up a link easily enough.

As for extending package (c)path, it makes the existing very simple
convention more complicated.  When one has multiple Lua versions, one
has multiple trees, even if there is duplication of pure Lua modules.
(And it's easy to symlink common files anyway)