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If this information would be distributed over many bug trackers, itOn Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 7:20 PM, Hisham <h@hisham.hm> wrote:
> On 31 January 2016 at 16:25, Nagaev Boris <bnagaev@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I propose the following solution. Broken / unmaintained rocks and Lua
>> packages without a rock are reported to
>> https://github.com/keplerproject/luarocks/issues Those volunteers who
>> has time, convert them into rocks and upload to the LuaRocks server.
> No, please, the LuaRocks bug tracker is for reporting bugs in LuaRocks
> (the tool itself).
> Likewise, https://github.com/leafo/luarocks-site/issues is for
> reporting issues in the workings of the LuaRocks.org website (not the
> rocks).
> * Report broken rocks to their maintainers.
> * Unmaintained rocks are, sadly, unmantained, and are available for
> taking over — if someone is willing to take one up, please contact us
> at the luarocks-developers mailing list.
> * If one considers that a packages without a rock is an issue, one can
> report to the issue tracker of that package. If the package authors
> are not willing to pack a rock themselves, then the issue remains
> open, and maybe some other user of the package who also wants a rock
> will pick that issue up and fix it.
> -- Hisham
would be hard to find such packages. As a result, nobody would
maintain them. Can we create a list of packages, which need
maintenance? It can be located on dedicated GitHub project or on
LuaRocks site. Or on both: sources on GitHub and pretty HTML viewer on
LuaRocks site.
Best regards,
Boris Nagaev