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2017-06-16 11:12 GMT+02:00 sur-behoffski <>:

> I'm somewhat partial to a lukewarm version of Knuth's "Literate
> Programming",
> where at least enterprise-wide readability/maintainability is a significant
> consideration when evaluating the "worthiness" of code, including comments.
> This leads to a demand that all code written within an enterprise conform to
> an agreed set of standards, but does not demand that external libraries that
> are reasonably self-contained be reformatted.

I once wrote a substantial C library cum Lua application in Anansi [1], with
Pandoc markup as the target text language, and in the spirit of open-source,
made a small source code contribution to the tool.

All I can say is that the effort is considerable. Towards the later phases of
the project, all that kept me going was the thought of not wasting the time
that had already gone into it.
