Lua Proxy Dll Three |
The first one, mkforwardlib.lua, requires Visual C++. It has been tested with Visual C++ 2005 Express, and with the free Visual C++ for AMD64 and IA64 platforms available with the Microsoft Platform SDK. If you use another version of Visual C++ you will have to put the path to link.exe in the VCPATH environment variable.
The second one, mkforwardlib-gcc.lua, requires GCC. It has been tested with MinGW 5.0.2 for x86.
local reallib local fakelib local machine local extrasymbols = {} local args = {...} local errmsg if args[1] then reallib = args[1] end if args[2] then fakelib = args[2] end if args[3] then machine = args[3] end for i=4,#args do table.insert(extrasymbols, args[i]) end if #args<3 then errmsg = "not enough parameters" elseif not ({X86=true, AMD64=true, IA64=true})[machine] then errmsg = "'"..machine.."' is not a recognized machine architecture" end if errmsg then if errmsg then io.stderr:write("Error: "..errmsg.."\n") end io.stderr:write[[ Usage: mkforwardlib <reallib> <fakelib> <machine> [<extrasymbols>...] reallib The name of the existing dll that you want to use. fakelib The name of the fake dll that you want to create and that will call the reallib instead. machine The hardware architecture of your windows version among: X86, AMD64, IA64 extrasymbols Additionnal symbols to export beyond standard Lua symbols (if you have a very custom Lua dll). Example: mkforwardlib lua51.dll lua5.1.dll X86 ]] -- :TODO: add support for AM33, ARM, CEE, EBC, M32R, MIPS, MIPS16, MIPSFPU, MIPSFPU16, MIPSR41XX, SH4, SH5, THUMB os.exit(0) end local VisualC = os.getenv('VCPATH') if not VisualC then if machine=='AMD64' then local PlatformSDK = assert(os.getenv"MSSDK", "MSSDK environment variable is not set, please set it to the path to your Platform SDK") VisualC = PlatformSDK.."\\Bin\\win64\\x86\\AMD64" elseif machine=='IA64' then local PlatformSDK = assert(os.getenv"MSSDK", "MSSDK environment variable is not set, please set it to the path to your Platform SDK") VisualC = PlatformSDK.."\\Bin\\win64" else -- local VisualCRoot = (os.getenv"PROGRAMFILES(X86)" or os.getenv"PROGRAMFILES").."\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7" local VisualCRoot = (os.getenv"PROGRAMFILES(X86)" or os.getenv"PROGRAMFILES").."\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\\VC" VisualC = VisualCRoot.."\\bin" end end local symbols = { "luaL_addlstring", "luaL_addstring", "luaL_addvalue", "luaL_argerror", "luaL_buffinit", "luaL_callmeta", "luaL_checkany", "luaL_checkinteger", "luaL_checklstring", "luaL_checknumber", "luaL_checkoption", "luaL_checkstack", "luaL_checktype", "luaL_checkudata", "luaL_error", "luaL_findtable", "luaL_getmetafield", "luaL_gsub", "luaL_loadbuffer", "luaL_loadfile", "luaL_loadstring", "luaL_newmetatable", "luaL_newstate", "luaL_openlib", "luaL_openlibs", "luaL_optinteger", "luaL_optlstring", "luaL_optnumber", "luaL_prepbuffer", "luaL_pushresult", "luaL_ref", "luaL_register", "luaL_typerror", "luaL_unref", "luaL_where", "lua_atpanic", "lua_call", "lua_checkstack", "lua_close", "lua_concat", "lua_cpcall", "lua_createtable", "lua_dump", "lua_equal", "lua_error", "lua_gc", "lua_getallocf", "lua_getfenv", "lua_getfield", "lua_gethook", "lua_gethookcount", "lua_gethookmask", "lua_getinfo", "lua_getlocal", "lua_getmetatable", "lua_getstack", "lua_gettable", "lua_gettop", "lua_getupvalue", "lua_insert", "lua_iscfunction", "lua_isnumber", "lua_isstring", "lua_isuserdata", "lua_lessthan", "lua_load", "lua_newstate", "lua_newthread", "lua_newuserdata", "lua_next", "lua_objlen", "lua_pcall", "lua_pushboolean", "lua_pushcclosure", "lua_pushfstring", "lua_pushinteger", "lua_pushlightuserdata", "lua_pushlstring", "lua_pushnil", "lua_pushnumber", "lua_pushstring", "lua_pushthread", "lua_pushvalue", "lua_pushvfstring", "lua_rawequal", "lua_rawget", "lua_rawgeti", "lua_rawset", "lua_rawseti", "lua_remove", "lua_replace", "lua_resume", "lua_setallocf", "lua_setfenv", "lua_setfield", "lua_sethook", "lua_setlocal", "lua_setmetatable", "lua_settable", "lua_settop", "lua_setupvalue", "lua_status", "lua_toboolean", "lua_tocfunction", "lua_tointeger", "lua_tolstring", "lua_tonumber", "lua_topointer", "lua_tothread", "lua_touserdata", "lua_type", "lua_typename", "lua_xmove", "lua_yield", -- "luaopen_base", -- "luaopen_debug", -- "luaopen_io", -- "luaopen_math", -- "luaopen_os", -- "luaopen_package", -- "luaopen_string", -- "luaopen_table", } local command = { '"'..VisualC..'\\link.exe"', " -dll", " -nologo", " -noentry", " -machine:"..machine, " -incremental:no", " -nodefaultlib", " -out:"..fakelib..".dll", " -implib:"..fakelib..".lib", } for _,symbol in ipairs(symbols) do table.insert(command," /export:"..symbol.."="..reallib.."."..symbol) end for _,symbol in ipairs(extrasymbols) do table.insert(command," /export:"..symbol.."="..reallib.."."..symbol) end os.execute('"'..table.concat(command)..'"')
local reallib local fakelib local machine local extrasymbols = {} local args = {...} local errmsg if args[1] then reallib = args[1] end if args[2] then fakelib = args[2] end if args[3] then machine = args[3] end for i=4,#args do table.insert(extrasymbols, args[i]) end if #args<3 then errmsg = "not enough parameters" end if not ({X86=true})[machine] then errmsg = "'"..machine.."' is not a recognized machine architecture" end if errmsg then if errmsg then io.stderr:write("Error: "..errmsg.."\n") end io.stderr:write[[ Usage: mkforwardlib-gcc <reallib> <fakelib> <machine> [<extrasymbols>...] reallib The name of the existing dll that you want to use. fakelib The name of the fake dll that you want to create and that will call the reallib instead. machine The hardware architecture of your windows version among: X86 extrasymbols Additionnal symbols to export beyond standard Lua symbols (if you have a very custom Lua dll). Example: mkforwardlib lua51.dll lua5.1.dll X86 ]] -- :TODO: add support for AMD64, IA64, AM33, ARM, CEE, EBC, M32R, MIPS, MIPS16, MIPSFPU, MIPSFPU16, MIPSR41XX, SH4, SH5, THUMB os.exit(0) end local symbols = { "luaL_addlstring", "luaL_addstring", "luaL_addvalue", "luaL_argerror", "luaL_buffinit", "luaL_callmeta", "luaL_checkany", "luaL_checkinteger", "luaL_checklstring", "luaL_checknumber", "luaL_checkoption", "luaL_checkstack", "luaL_checktype", "luaL_checkudata", "luaL_error", "luaL_findtable", "luaL_getmetafield", "luaL_gsub", "luaL_loadbuffer", "luaL_loadfile", "luaL_loadstring", "luaL_newmetatable", "luaL_newstate", "luaL_openlib", "luaL_openlibs", "luaL_optinteger", "luaL_optlstring", "luaL_optnumber", "luaL_prepbuffer", "luaL_pushresult", "luaL_ref", "luaL_register", "luaL_typerror", "luaL_unref", "luaL_where", "lua_atpanic", "lua_call", "lua_checkstack", "lua_close", "lua_concat", "lua_cpcall", "lua_createtable", "lua_dump", "lua_equal", "lua_error", "lua_gc", "lua_getallocf", "lua_getfenv", "lua_getfield", "lua_gethook", "lua_gethookcount", "lua_gethookmask", "lua_getinfo", "lua_getlocal", "lua_getmetatable", "lua_getstack", "lua_gettable", "lua_gettop", "lua_getupvalue", "lua_insert", "lua_iscfunction", "lua_isnumber", "lua_isstring", "lua_isuserdata", "lua_lessthan", "lua_load", "lua_newstate", "lua_newthread", "lua_newuserdata", "lua_next", "lua_objlen", "lua_pcall", "lua_pushboolean", "lua_pushcclosure", "lua_pushfstring", "lua_pushinteger", "lua_pushlightuserdata", "lua_pushlstring", "lua_pushnil", "lua_pushnumber", "lua_pushstring", "lua_pushthread", "lua_pushvalue", "lua_pushvfstring", "lua_rawequal", "lua_rawget", "lua_rawgeti", "lua_rawset", "lua_rawseti", "lua_remove", "lua_replace", "lua_resume", "lua_setallocf", "lua_setfenv", "lua_setfield", "lua_sethook", "lua_setlocal", "lua_setmetatable", "lua_settable", "lua_settop", "lua_setupvalue", "lua_status", "lua_toboolean", "lua_tocfunction", "lua_tointeger", "lua_tolstring", "lua_tonumber", "lua_topointer", "lua_tothread", "lua_touserdata", "lua_type", "lua_typename", "lua_xmove", "lua_yield", -- "luaopen_base", -- "luaopen_debug", -- "luaopen_io", -- "luaopen_math", -- "luaopen_os", -- "luaopen_package", -- "luaopen_string", -- "luaopen_table", } local def ="lib"..fakelib..".def", "wb") def:write("EXPORTS\n") if reallib:find("%.") then reallib = '"'..reallib..'"' end for _,symbol in ipairs(symbols) do def:write(""..symbol.."="..reallib.."."..symbol.."\n") end for _,symbol in ipairs(extrasymbols) do def:write(""..symbol.."="..reallib.."."..symbol.."\n") end def:close() os.execute('"'..table.concat({ 'gcc', -- " -shared", -- this option seem to be incompatible with -nostartfiles " -o "..fakelib..".dll", " -nostartfiles", " lib"..fakelib..".def", })..'"') os.execute('"'..table.concat({ 'strip', " --strip-unneeded", " "..fakelib..".dll", })..'"')
This is the same script as above with few modifications to make it work with Lua 5.2:
local reallib local fakelib local machine local extrasymbols = {} local args = {...} local errmsg if args[1] then reallib = args[1] end if args[2] then fakelib = args[2] end if args[3] then machine = args[3] end for i=4,#args do table.insert(extrasymbols, args[i]) end if #args<3 then errmsg = "not enough parameters" end if not ({X86=true})[machine] then errmsg = "'"..machine.."' is not a recognized machine architecture" end if errmsg then if errmsg then io.stderr:write("Error: "..errmsg.."\n") end io.stderr:write[[ Usage: mkforwardlib-gcc <reallib> <fakelib> <machine> [<extrasymbols>...] reallib The name of the existing dll that you want to use. fakelib The name of the fake dll that you want to create and that will call the reallib instead. machine The hardware architecture of your windows version among: X86 extrasymbols Additionnal symbols to export beyond standard Lua symbols (if you have a very custom Lua dll). Example: mkforwardlib lua52 lua5.2 X86 ]] -- :TODO: add support for AMD64, IA64, AM33, ARM, CEE, EBC, M32R, MIPS, MIPS16, MIPSFPU, MIPSFPU16, MIPSR41XX, SH4, SH5, THUMB os.exit(0) end local symbols = { 'luaL_addlstring', 'luaL_addstring', 'luaL_addvalue', 'luaL_argerror', 'luaL_buffinit', 'luaL_buffinitsize', 'luaL_callmeta', 'luaL_checkany', 'luaL_checkinteger', 'luaL_checklstring', 'luaL_checknumber', 'luaL_checkoption', 'luaL_checkstack', 'luaL_checktype', 'luaL_checkudata', 'luaL_checkunsigned', 'luaL_checkversion_', 'luaL_error', 'luaL_execresult', 'luaL_fileresult', 'luaL_getmetafield', 'luaL_getsubtable', 'luaL_gsub', 'luaL_len', 'luaL_loadbufferx', 'luaL_loadfilex', 'luaL_loadstring', 'luaL_newmetatable', 'luaL_newstate', 'luaL_openlib', 'luaL_openlibs', 'luaL_optinteger', 'luaL_optlstring', 'luaL_optnumber', 'luaL_optunsigned', 'luaL_prepbuffsize', 'luaL_pushmodule', 'luaL_pushresult', 'luaL_pushresultsize', 'luaL_ref', 'luaL_requiref', 'luaL_setfuncs', 'luaL_setmetatable', 'luaL_testudata', 'luaL_tolstring', 'luaL_traceback', 'luaL_unref', 'luaL_where', 'lua_absindex', 'lua_arith', 'lua_atpanic', 'lua_callk', 'lua_checkstack', 'lua_close', 'lua_compare', 'lua_concat', 'lua_copy', 'lua_createtable', 'lua_dump', 'lua_error', 'lua_gc', 'lua_getallocf', 'lua_getctx', 'lua_getfield', 'lua_getglobal', 'lua_gethook', 'lua_gethookcount', 'lua_gethookmask', 'lua_getinfo', 'lua_getlocal', 'lua_getmetatable', 'lua_getstack', 'lua_gettable', 'lua_gettop', 'lua_getupvalue', 'lua_getuservalue', 'lua_insert', 'lua_iscfunction', 'lua_isnumber', 'lua_isstring', 'lua_isuserdata', 'lua_len', 'lua_load', 'lua_newstate', 'lua_newthread', 'lua_newuserdata', 'lua_next', 'lua_pcallk', 'lua_pushboolean', 'lua_pushcclosure', 'lua_pushfstring', 'lua_pushinteger', 'lua_pushlightuserdata', 'lua_pushlstring', 'lua_pushnil', 'lua_pushnumber', 'lua_pushstring', 'lua_pushthread', 'lua_pushunsigned', 'lua_pushvalue', 'lua_pushvfstring', 'lua_rawequal', 'lua_rawget', 'lua_rawgeti', 'lua_rawgetp', 'lua_rawlen', 'lua_rawset', 'lua_rawseti', 'lua_rawsetp', 'lua_remove', 'lua_replace', 'lua_resume', 'lua_setallocf', 'lua_setfield', 'lua_setglobal', 'lua_sethook', 'lua_setlocal', 'lua_setmetatable', 'lua_settable', 'lua_settop', 'lua_setupvalue', 'lua_setuservalue', 'lua_status', 'lua_toboolean', 'lua_tocfunction', 'lua_tointegerx', 'lua_tolstring', 'lua_tonumberx', 'lua_topointer', 'lua_tothread', 'lua_tounsignedx', 'lua_touserdata', 'lua_type', 'lua_typename', 'lua_upvalueid', 'lua_upvaluejoin', 'lua_version', 'lua_xmove', 'lua_yieldk', -- 'luaopen_base', -- 'luaopen_bit32', -- 'luaopen_coroutine', -- 'luaopen_debug', -- 'luaopen_io', -- 'luaopen_math', -- 'luaopen_os', -- 'luaopen_package', -- 'luaopen_string', -- 'luaopen_table', } local def =".def", "wb") def:write("EXPORTS\n") if reallib:find("%.") then reallib = '"'..reallib..'"' end for _,symbol in ipairs(symbols) do -- def:write(""..reallib.."."..symbol.."="..reallib.."."..symbol.."\n") def:write(""..symbol.."="..reallib.."."..symbol.."\n") end for _,symbol in ipairs(extrasymbols) do -- def:write(""..reallib.."."..symbol.."="..reallib.."."..symbol.."\n") def:write(""..symbol.."="..reallib.."."..symbol.."\n") end def:close() os.execute('"'..table.concat({ 'gcc', -- " -shared", -- this option seem to be incompatible with -nostartfiles " -o "..fakelib..".dll", " -nostartfiles", " "..fakelib..".def", })..'"') os.execute('"'..table.concat({ 'strip', " --strip-unneeded", " "..fakelib..".dll", })..'"')-- PaulKulchenko?