Scite Open To Line |
Compilers produce output like the following:
error in ../../foo/docs/html/gdiobj_8c-source.html:420:3
SciTE has a command to go to line 420, column 3 of gdiobj_8c-source.html.
scite gdiobj_8c-source.html -goto:420:3
For occasional use, that's fine. But this bash script accepts multiple filenames, colons and all.
It may be given a short name, such as "s", to save typing.
#!/bin/bash : ${1?"Usage: scite [options] [filespec]"} cmd="scite " for x in "$@"; do if [[ "${x/://}" == "$x" ]]; then cmd="$cmd $x" else cmd="$cmd $(echo "$x"|sed -r 's/([^:]+):([^:]+):?([^:]+)?:?/\1 -goto:\2,\3/')" fi done eval $cmd &