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I have been packaging Lua 5.0 for Debian.

Preliminary packages can be found at:

(They're actually in apt/ off that dir, but it's worth
remembering the top dir in case I add support files)

You can add an apt-source for:

deb ./
deb-src ./

The packages are built against unstable, however I can do a set of
stable packages if enough people care.

What I'm interested in for now, is ideas on how to improve the packages,
comments/bug reports etc.

Please send such information directly to me, as it's not in Debian yet,
so the Debian BTS isn't the right place for it.

It's currently only built for i386, but anyone with access to non-i386
debian hardware is welcome to try a build and let me know if it works


Daniel Silverstone                     
Hostmaster, Webmaster, and Chief Code Wibbler          Digital-Scurf Unlimited
GPG Public key available from               KeyId: 20687895
Q:	How do you stop an elephant from charging?
A:	Take away his credit cards.