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On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 06:35:38PM +0000, Adam D. Moss wrote:
> Woo... nice.
> From just a brief look, though, curl doesn't seem to
> have a low-level socket interface (such as luasocket offers),
> just an http/ftp/etc interface.  Is that right?


> LuaSocket also has some attraction for being pretty small
> and mostly written in Lua itself (very maintainable/deployable).

you are right.

> Very interesting, however... will look deeper this week.

the version I distribute has only HTTP support (since I compiled curl
without FTP,etc...). The distributed version is a bit old, if you are
interested I'll release the latest code (bundled with FreePOPs).

If you need a whole curl.dll ask me :)
Enrico Tassi