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On Sunday 21 September 2008, Tim Channon wrote:
> rt={}
> rt[var]={[pa1]=va1}
> rt[var]={[pa2]=va2} -- does not add pair

one important point is that the curly braces _always_ create a new table.  
it's a constructor.

and the assignment _always_ replaces any value at the left.  that's why it's 
not 'adding a pair' in your example.

the usual idiom for building a table piece by piece has already been posted by 
Klaus.  I usually do something like this:

local rt={}
function addpair (tk,k,v)
    local t = rt[tk]
    if t == nil then
        t ={}
        rt[tk] = t
    t[k] = v


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