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> Just a suggestion, but in addition it would probably suit you more to do:
> rt={} -- new empty table
> rt[var]={}
> rt[var][pa1]=va1
> rt[var][pa2]=va2
> var="eek"  -- change table
> rt[var]={}
> rt[var][pa1]=va1
> rt[var][pa2]=va2
> etc. since you will probably be doing it in a loop anyway, I imagine.
> Matthew.

my personal preference for nested table style is:

rt = {}

local t = {}
t[pa1] = va1
t[pa2] = va2
rt[var] = t

local t = {}
t[pa1] = va1
t[pa2] = va2
rt[var] = t

if it's in a loop (i.e. the above is unrolled) because it's cleaner in
my view (less "dereferences") and saves table accesses

or even better

rt = {
   [var] = {
      [pa1] = va1,
      [pa2] = va2,
