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On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 12:20 AM, Raúl Huertas <> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm starting with lua and i'm very excited learning the C API. Now I know
> how to load my functions and use them in a lua program, but...
> I0ve just installed wxWidget and it creates a .so called SO when in
> lua, the standalone interpreter, finds 'require("wx")' laods that library
> automatically. How this can be done? is there any special function to create
> in that shared library? a lua_openlib(). How the module get loaded
> automatically?

Just to be sure, you do not have to use the shared lib for Lua's
require() function if you don't want to for whatever reason.
Alternatively, you can link your C++ program, static or dynamically,
to the wxLua and wxWidgets libs/dlls. See the sample app wxLuaFreeze
for the simplest incarnation of using a wxLuaState to run your Lua
code. The decision is yours, either way should work equally well.
