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> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 8:12 PM, Petite Abeille
> <> wrote:
> > Hmmm... ipairs? deprecated? ouch.
> Wow, yeah. Pretty bold. I notice that the readme still refers to it:
> "ipairs now goes until #t" (i.e. respecting __len metamethods) - and
> that change (as far as I understand it) must have meant either
> changing what ipairs returns into a closure, or else calculating #t
> every iteration - both of which would have been a bit costlier than
> what the old one did.

Not really. It only needs to calculate #t when the value is nil.

> So I can see why it would have been recommended to move to using
> numeric loop instead.

The point is that it does exactly the same that a numeric loop, so
there was no point in keeping it.

-- Roberto