Windows 7 will translate Yen -> Backslash when going from Unicode to JIS, but keep backslashes as backslashes when translating from JIS to Unicode. My suspicion here is that in fact you have a Japanese font being used in your app's status bar. For said fonts, the backslash character is associated with the Yen glyph, and so will display as a Yen sign. Michael Kaplan has a great explanation of this on his blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/michkap/archive/2005/11/01/487665.aspx It should also be noted that the Windows file I/O routines never accept UTF-8 paths and that the only way to use Unicode file names in Win32 is to go through the W functions which take UTF-16 strings. The A variation of the functions only support the system selected multibyte character set. |