This page is a top level directory of all Lua content at this wiki, grouped by topic.
- Introduction to Lua
- LearningLua - introduction to Lua (a guided directory)
- LuaTutorial - an informative tutorial written and reviewed by Lua users
- SampleCode - snippets of useful Lua code
- LuaComparison - how Lua compares with other languages.
- LuaFaq - unofficial, community-maintained frequently asked questions
- LuaLinks - a hand-edited list of useful Lua links
- LuaBooks - list of books on the subject of Lua
- Language Definition and Features
- Code Structure / Programming Paradigms
- LocalsVsGlobals - Comparison between local and global variables
- Control structures / structured programming
- Module Programming
- ModuleDefinition - approaches to define modules
- See also "Modules/Libraries" below
- ObjectOrientedProgramming - object oriented programming techniques in Lua
- AspectOrientedProgramming - coding with pointcuts [1] and advices [2] in Lua
- Declarative and Functional Programming
- NamedParameters - implementing named parameters in Lua
- FiltersSourcesAndSinks - discusses chaining of filters, which are functions that accept successive chunks of input, and produce successive chunks of output
- FiltersAndPipesReloaded - presents a coroutines based framework for working with filters and pipes
- CurriedLua - currying functions in Lua
- GenericInputAlgorithms - functional, AWK-style text processing in Lua
- FunctionalLibrary - porting several convenient functional utilities form Haskell, Python, etc.
- ShortAnonymousFunctions - expressing anonymous functions more tersely than function() return ... end
- FunctionalTuples - implementing tuples in terms functions (design pattern and tutorial)
- MutableFunctions - using functions to simulate the semantics of tables (design pattern)
- RecursiveDataTypes - handling recursive data types (design pattern and tutorial)
- ListComprehensions - list comprehension implementations
- RandomSample - lazy tables, a simple illustration of lazy evaluation (design pattern)
- FuncTables - memoization of functions using callable tables (design pattern, code, and tutorial)
- HammingNumbersVariant - enumerate hamming numbers, with lazy list (function)
- ImmutableObjects - topics of immutability/const-ness in Lua
- StructuralPatternMatching - pattern matching, ML style.
- Concurrent and Event-driven Programming
- Source Processing / Metaprogramming
- ErrorHandling - topics on error and exception handling
- BitwiseOperators - bitwise operations
- StructurePacking - pack/unpack C structure data
- FileSystemOperations - file system operations
- DatabaseAccess - database programming
- DateAndTime - date and time handling
- StringInterpolation - approaches to interpolating variables in strings
- CommandLineParsing - command-line parsing
- TypeIntrospection - determining types of objects at runtime
- UniversallyUniqueIdentifiers - various ways to created universally unique identifiers (UUID's) in Lua
- PlatformDetection - detect OS platform type from Lua
- ArtificialIntelligence - AI in Lua
- LuaDataFormats - using Lua as a data representation language
- LuaDesignPatterns - additional design patterns in Lua
- LuaHacks - unconventional approaches to problems in Lua
- Data Structures/Types - see DataStructures
- Algorithms / Data Manipulation
- CopyTable - return deep copy of table
- Ordering Iterators
- Indexing
- Sorting
- LazySort - sort only as much of a table as is necessary (function and tutorial)
- LuaSorting - a sample shellsort implementation in pure Lua (function)
- Search in sorted arrays
- BinarySearch - searches for a value in a sorted array via a binary search algorithm (function)
- BinaryInsert - inserts a value into a sorted array via a binary search algorithm (function)
- InterpolatingSearch - searches for a value in a sorted array via an interpolating search algorithm (function)
- StringRecipes - solutions to various common string manipulation needs
- RandomStrings - generate random strings from defined char sets (function)
- To-string conversion and output
- Numerical: HammingNumbers | HammingWeight
- Building, Binding, and Packaging
- BuildingLua - notes on compiling Lua and some build packages
- Special linking:
- BuildingModules - How to properly build C extension modules for Lua.
- BindingCodeToLua - how to call or bind C or C++ code to Lua
- LuaRocks - installs Lua modules as self-contained packages (with dependency info) called "rocks"
- LuaBuildSystems - Build systems implemented or expressed in Lua
- PlatformSpecific - Platform-specific breakdown of the Lua universe
- VeritasMachine - Objective-C bind of Lua on iOS, with most feature supported.
- Extending and Using Lua
- LuaAddons - a directory of "things for Lua" that are outside this site
- Modules/Libraries
- LuaForge - contains modules (and applications)
- LibrariesAndBindings - list of libraries implemented in Lua or implemented in another language (e.g. C) but having a Lua interface
- LuaRocks - installs Lua modules as self-contained packages (with dependency info) called "rocks"
- LuaSearch - intends to become a centralized locater of Lua modules and documentation
- SampleCode - modules and code snippets on this wiki
- LuaProjects - wiki pages that mirror projects
- Modifying Lua and Enhancement Proposals
- Problem Domains (Application Domains)
- GUI and Graphics
- AnsiTerminalColors - console colors
- Text and XML Processing
- Unicode/localization/charsets
- Other
- ModuleReview - modules by domain with an independent assessment of them
- LibrariesAndBindings - Lua libraries and bindings to existing libraries and environments
- Lua Implementation
- Code Improvement
- Quality and Testing
- Performance and Optimization
- Security: LuaSecurity - security aspects of Lua
- Archive (pertains to old versions of Lua)
- Community (external links belong on LuaLinks please)
- LuaWorkShop - workshops gathering Lua users
- LuaAtFosdem - Lua events at FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Developers European Meeting)
- UserGroups - local and regional informal gatherings and groups
- LuaUses - examples of projects around the world that use Lua
- HelpWanted - listing of help wanted for community projects
- WishList - list of wished-for libraries and bindings and such
- IrcChannel - a chat room for discussing Lua
- LuaDevelopmentModel - how Lua functions and evolves
- LuaStats - Lua (un)popularity statistics
- LuaNews - summary of the latest happenings in the Lua world (last updated 2008)
- lua-users website
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Last edited February 22, 2023 9:13 pm GMT (diff)